Naema – Minneapolis High School Senior Photography

There is not a lot of diversity when you google high school senior photography, so I am so happy to feature Naema, a lovely senior from the Minneapolis metro!

I love to plan outfits with all my clients before their photography sessions. But sometimes, for one reason or another, it is a total surprise. I have never met this particular high school senior before, and we did not have time to plan an outfit together, so I had no idea what to expect. So imagine my surprise when she stepped out of her car in THIS. Are you kidding??? Ahh! So so beautiful!

The colors of the yellow hijab, the bright pink of the dress, the texture, the white embroidered details.

I was so excited to take her photos.

We met at a local park near her home and had an absolutely lovely time chatting, walking through the park, and finding fun spots to shoot. She had a quiet confidence and grace about her, and it really shines through in the photos. I wish I was as poised as her in high school!

Side note about me

Living in Canada as a Chinese high school senior, I did not have the confidence and courage to embrace diversity. I was ashamed of my Chinese name, and was embarrassed to speak my language. Even though Toronto was one of the most diverse North American cities, the media has taught me that beauty and success had to look a certain way. And I did not fit that mold.

Although there’s been a slow shift with more media representation and general social awareness, it continues to be a struggle for me everyday to love my culture. And I think every day about how my daughter will grow up to see herself in the world. Thank you Naema, for reminding me and my daughter that beauty can look different!

And because her gorgeous dress was perfect for it, I made sure that we ended the session with lots and lots of twirling!

We celebrate you, Naema!

Click here for more info on Minneapolis high school senior sessions!

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