From Teacher to Photographer

Sometimes, I can’t believe it either. Me? A photographer? How did I get here?

I’ve wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember and have always loved working with children. I’ve been a camp counselor, a tutor, and a playroom therapy assistant. A psychology degree and an education degree later, I developed playgroups for toddlers, taught at a preschool in an inclusive environment for kids with disabilities, and taught at local public K-8 schools in several countries. Teaching was my whole world and I loved it!

But then I took a photography course.

I thought it was just a hobby and have always enjoyed being the designated photo taker of the family with my phone. It would be fun to learn how to use a camera!

And oh my gosh. The joy! And I was great at it! And soon it was all I wanted to do. So here we are. Claudia Chan: former teacher, current photographer!

And when my worlds collide, when I get to take photos of kiddos, that’s my absolute favorite! So so so grateful to be doing something that brings me so much happiness.

For a little more about me, click here !

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